iGen's who meet prerequisites for undergraduate cources
Going back to school isn’t all sunshine and roses. While investing in yourself is undeniably rewarding, you’ll likely experience some highs and lows along the way. Feeling anxious, or even a little down is a totally normal part of the process — in fact, it’s almost expected. Its time to get ready, below are six commonly experienced phases to think about for your first semester:
Bookmark the (Open Book Site) the blogger who created the below phases. The blogger has alot of wonderful blogs for young collage students. Check it out...
Phase 1: Pre-Start Excitement
After submitting applications, chatting with coaches, and eagerly awaiting an acceptance decision, chances are you’re probably pretty excited to get started. It’s during this back-to-school countdown that many students admit to filling up planners, messing around with new tech, or even cracking open a textbook for fun.
Do: Take this time to gather your supplies and get in the zone.
Don’t: Forget to hang out with family and friends while you still have free time.
HW: Hang out with at least three of the most important people in your life and tell them about your program and why you’re doing this.
Phase 2: First Week Jitters
This is the part of the journey where you shift from thinking about going back to school, to actually doing it. Suddenly you have to navigate the student portal, figure out the best way to take notes, and rediscover what learning style is best for you. It may seem like a lot a first, but it’s totally doable.
Do: Explore! Familiarize yourself with the learning platform, and don’t be afraid to click around until you get comfortable.
Don’t: Get Overwhelmed. Try to remember that you have a whole semester (or trimester, or quarter) to learn everything you need to know.
HW: Spend 20 minutes just messing around on your student learning portal.
Phase 3: Third Week Blues
After the initial excitement of going back to school wears off, many students find themselves feeling a little down. Despite all of the hype, going back to school is a lot of hard work. If you’re still learning how to best manage your time, you might feel overwhelmed during this phase.
Do: Talk to your coach! This is a totally normal part of adjusting to your new schedule — it’ll pass in no time.
Don’t: Give up. Being a working student might not be as idyllic as it seemed a few weeks prior, but it’ll be worth it in the end.
HW: Make a list of the reasons you started this program in the first place.
Phase 4: Mid Semester Confidence
Now that you’ve experienced the highs and lows of starting your program, you’re likely getting in the swing of things. You know how long it’s going to take to complete an assignment, and how many hours you should put in before a test.
Do: Keep up the hard work! If you’ve figured out a system that works for you, keep doing your thing.
Don’t: Slack off. Sure, it can be tempting to test the limits and see if you really need to study for that weekly quiz, but with the end of the semester in sight, now’s not the time to get lazy.
HW: Set regular study dates for yourself!
Phase 5: End of Semester Prep
Don’t let the end of the semester get you down! Whether you’re racing towards finals or that last unit test, it’s important to keep doing your best. Work hard, and show your professor just how much you’ve learned!
Do: Study, study, study!
Don’t: Panic. Staring at months worth of content can be daunting — but remember, you’ve already learned it all.
HW: Take a couple of hours to relax and do something for yourself.
Phase 6: Break
Take full advantage of your much-deserved break and give your brain and your body the rest they deserve. Now’s a great time to focus on the people and activities that you haven’t had time to engage with throughout the semester.
Do: Make time for friends, family, and hobbies. Your break might only be a week or two, so be sure to schedule time for the things that are most important to you.
Don’t: Try to do too much. The idea is to get recharged for your next term so, while you want to catch up on the things you’ve been missing, don’t over-schedule yourself.
HW: Repeat phase 1!
Bookmark the (Open Book Site) the blogger who created the below phases. The blogger has alot of wonderful blogs for young collage students. Check it out...
Phase 1: Pre-Start Excitement
After submitting applications, chatting with coaches, and eagerly awaiting an acceptance decision, chances are you’re probably pretty excited to get started. It’s during this back-to-school countdown that many students admit to filling up planners, messing around with new tech, or even cracking open a textbook for fun.
Do: Take this time to gather your supplies and get in the zone.
Don’t: Forget to hang out with family and friends while you still have free time.
HW: Hang out with at least three of the most important people in your life and tell them about your program and why you’re doing this.
Phase 2: First Week Jitters
This is the part of the journey where you shift from thinking about going back to school, to actually doing it. Suddenly you have to navigate the student portal, figure out the best way to take notes, and rediscover what learning style is best for you. It may seem like a lot a first, but it’s totally doable.
Do: Explore! Familiarize yourself with the learning platform, and don’t be afraid to click around until you get comfortable.
Don’t: Get Overwhelmed. Try to remember that you have a whole semester (or trimester, or quarter) to learn everything you need to know.
HW: Spend 20 minutes just messing around on your student learning portal.
Phase 3: Third Week Blues
After the initial excitement of going back to school wears off, many students find themselves feeling a little down. Despite all of the hype, going back to school is a lot of hard work. If you’re still learning how to best manage your time, you might feel overwhelmed during this phase.
Do: Talk to your coach! This is a totally normal part of adjusting to your new schedule — it’ll pass in no time.
Don’t: Give up. Being a working student might not be as idyllic as it seemed a few weeks prior, but it’ll be worth it in the end.
HW: Make a list of the reasons you started this program in the first place.
Phase 4: Mid Semester Confidence
Now that you’ve experienced the highs and lows of starting your program, you’re likely getting in the swing of things. You know how long it’s going to take to complete an assignment, and how many hours you should put in before a test.
Do: Keep up the hard work! If you’ve figured out a system that works for you, keep doing your thing.
Don’t: Slack off. Sure, it can be tempting to test the limits and see if you really need to study for that weekly quiz, but with the end of the semester in sight, now’s not the time to get lazy.
HW: Set regular study dates for yourself!
Phase 5: End of Semester Prep
Don’t let the end of the semester get you down! Whether you’re racing towards finals or that last unit test, it’s important to keep doing your best. Work hard, and show your professor just how much you’ve learned!
Do: Study, study, study!
Don’t: Panic. Staring at months worth of content can be daunting — but remember, you’ve already learned it all.
HW: Take a couple of hours to relax and do something for yourself.
Phase 6: Break
Take full advantage of your much-deserved break and give your brain and your body the rest they deserve. Now’s a great time to focus on the people and activities that you haven’t had time to engage with throughout the semester.
Do: Make time for friends, family, and hobbies. Your break might only be a week or two, so be sure to schedule time for the things that are most important to you.
Don’t: Try to do too much. The idea is to get recharged for your next term so, while you want to catch up on the things you’ve been missing, don’t over-schedule yourself.
HW: Repeat phase 1!
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